Sunday, November 10, 2013

WHERE-O-WHERE did the LAMB go?


A few weeks back I posted on my face book account bragging on how many views I had received here on the blog. Stating that the two larges amount of viewers came from America and Russia. In honor of the viewers from these two countries, I was going to post a Russian Lamb recipe that had been Americanized.

BUT! Since I am not Russian nor a big expert on Russian cuisine this meant research and family taste testing would be involved. Which sometimes leads to my family wishing I was not related to them. Oh well somebody has to be the guinea pig. Besides they owe it to me, I carried them for nine months eating only things that would not up set them. Playing the Mommy card, Oh Ya if I have to. I would never post a recipe that I was not sure tasted good nor I had not cooked myself. So, off to research.

It was not long into my research that I discovered why I had so many views from Russia. Which like all good researchers know ...... leads to more research and more research. After many, many, did I mention it was many hours at the computer? Let me just put it this way I was on the computer A LONG TIME! I was left with ... sore eyes and the realization that if I was going to keep my word about posting such a recipe, I would have to do some flip flopping around  not only of ingredients but words as well. Such as; the "Russian Americanized recipe" will now be an "American Russianized recipe".

The reason why you ask? Even though you really did not ask and may not even want to know, but since I did all that researching and now have all this knowledge, I am going to share anyway, don't make me play the Blogger's card you know I will.

It turns out that there were not many sheep in Russia in the first place. The ones that were there was sold to or belonged to nobles. So the only other people that ate lamb were the shepherds and their families, then only the left over parts that the nobles did not want. Pretty sure I will not get my family to try those parts, no matter what card I am holding. Another problem was the ban on sheep and sheep meat coming into the country from other areas. Up till just recently when the ban was lifted and the economy has changed in such away that the difference between classes does not such a limit everyone being able to try all foods available to them.

This all explains the recent interest from Russia, they are looking for recipes for the new wave of lamb that has come into their country. They are searching American sites to see how to fix it. So here we go again my search is on. I will look for an American recipe that I can influence in a Russian manner.

My family has already warned me, "NO LAMB BORSCH!" I am pretty sure they are safe on that one. I the person willing to eat almost anything and likes most of it, does not like the sound of that either.

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