Friday, October 11, 2013

Lack of Work makes a dull Shepherd

It has been a learning week and even though I have learned a lot, I don't feel I have gotten much work done. I am one of those people who has to feel I have accomplished something physically every day or I do not feel right. This next month will be better we will hopefully be seeing new baby lambs arrive. With the arrival of new lambs there is no shortage of physical work to be done.
Here's a picture of the last big chore I did.
Cleaning the Barn.

Oh, doesn't it look so nice and fluffy?

OK, it wasn't the last thing I did. I have vaccinated and wormed. I have sorted and separated. I do daily chores well, ...... daily. OK, OK, I just feel the need to be physically working at the sheep camp daily, I am hooked.Hi, my name is Cyndie and I am a ...... Shepherd.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Weathering the Storm

We have had three good storms hit us this last week. Well, maybe good is not the right word to describe them. Winds blew pretty fierce and rain came down in dump truck loads. We lost our electricity once for about 2 1/2 hours. The boys always think this is fun as long as we are still able to cook. Isn't it funny how their stomachs take priority? After family and home my concerns are of the sheep. I know they are able to get inside the barn for protection from the storms but I do worry that a gate might blow shut and their next instinct would be to huddle close together under the trees. The trees that stand out in the pastures are big old trees and even though they have weathered some pretty bad storms for many years I do worry that they may come down with the very wet ground and high winds. 

Old Shepherds say if sheep gather together and all face the same
direction you can tell which direction the storms are coming from. 
After the storm I went to check on the sheep and everyone had done what they where suppose to and went to the barn. All our trees were standing but we did have some very large limbs break and come down just missing our round pen. 

This big tree lost a big limb, falling just short of the cement wall between us and the church next door. 

                                The sheep are happy to see a little sunshine as am I.

Fading Summer

I snapped a few photos of our fading Summer before the Fall storms hit this last week. Sorry it has taken me so long to get back on here.

Now that school is in and routines are falling into place I will try harder to post on a more regulated time schedule. 
Every time I pull the camera out they seem to feel the need to come see what I have. All of them. 
                                                           "Sheepish" aside here.

OK, that is just to close!

Enough with the camera hog-sheep shoving and pushing for their share of lens time. Here come those storm and here goes Summer.