Thursday, November 21, 2013

FREEDOM!!!! ..... ah we got caught.

How do you catch two very excited two week old lambs, who along with their mother have gotten out into the big pasture and tasted the freedom of the open space? Running, romping and as quick as jack rabbits I thought how will I ever get them back into the barn. 

GUILT ... that and being willing to look like your crazy, talking and chewing out a sheep. 

As I suspected when I tried to get close they took off running along with the rest of the flock. At one point I was able to get close to the mother and her attention turned to me, that is when the guilt started. I stopped and spoke to her calmly. 

"What do you think you are doing having your babies out her on such a cold day? They are to little yet to be in the big pasture. Now you get them back to the barn, right now!" 

She lowered her head, turned towards the barn and started walking to it away from the flock, lambs following her low motherly rumbling baas. I brought up the rear, every now and then she would look back at me. 

I would point towards the barn and state, " Get going, get them back to the barn and warm them up". She would rumble some more turn her head back towards the barn never stopping but walking slowly. 

Once inside she headed straight for her pen, nosing the lambs towards the heat lamp letting out a loud baa as to say to me, "There you go are you happy now?"

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