Thursday, January 17, 2013

Let's get Lambing!

My Internet server and I are having a Love-Hate relationship. They Love to foul up every time I try to post anything and I am hating them more and more! Sorry for posting my frustrations.....bad, shepherd, bad shepherd.

Lets Try This Again...

Hi everyone :) ,
Sorry that I seemed to have dropped off the face of the Earth. Between computer troubles, moving our house hold, holidays, sheep, children, and all life's activities I got lost, but I am back and so excited!

Why you ask? Because it is getting close to lambing season, I know in other parts of the country that has already began. In our county we try to have lambs born so they weigh between 100 and 160 pounds at our August fair. To do so they need to be born by the beginning of January to the end of March.  The lambs at the Sheep Camp should be born around February 15th and I can't wait! As in all species birthing patterns it comes down to - they will be born when they are ready…some really, some late and maybe some on time.

I have already moved the ewes to the barn. Pulled the rams (McRamsy & McStuddly) off and penned them up. A whole other post for another day there. Males, that's all I have to say for now.
McStuddly our Spring Ram

McRamsy our Fall Ram

Jasmine on the left and Lily on the right

We have moved the boy's (Jacob & Tanner's) two ewes over to the barn to be put in with the Dorset ewes. Lily is a black Suffolk ewe and Jasmine is a Hampshire/Suffolk cross ewe. These two have names because they are the boy’s 4-H & FFA breeding projects. The boys have had the ewes for several years in fact this will be Lily and Jasmine’s last year with us since they are getting up there in age. It is time to bring in new breeding stock. Awe.... I know this sounds sad but it is part of farming. They will be sold at the action after their lambs are big enough to pull off them, as culled ewes, (meaning they don't breed any more).

I will try and keep everyone up to date on the lambing. Maybe I can figure out the whole video part of this and post clips of actual births. This is the time I call in Jacob to assist because Mom’s not to technically savvy. Good thing sheep are not robotic or I’d be out of a job.

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