Friday, January 23, 2015

The Bad with the Good

Frustration!! I lost a lamb this evening. No matter how hard I tried I was unable to save it. It had taken in too much fluids into it's lungs as it was being born. I had worked on it for over 5 hours. It is a roller-coaster of emotions when you think you have them saved then they die anyway. I would almost rather they were born dead then to go through this. Well on the other hand it's twin is doing well at mamma's side. 

And as for yesterday's mystery of which lamb belonged to which ewe. I am pretty sure only one ewe lambed, having twins. As for that other ewe in the pen trying to claim babies, I checked her out she has not lambed yet. She even went as far as to try and steel the lambs that were born today too. I am afraid this is going to be an on going problem since she does not look as far along in her pregnancy as some of the other ewes are.  This might end up being a very trying & long lambing season.