BUT, I had no idea the ewes had a contest going on to see who could have the biggest lamb.
# 1 was in the process of lambing and having some trouble with it when I came in yesterday to feed. The lambs head was out and I could see by that, this lamb was BIG! ! 1 is one of our smaller ewes so that was not a good sign.
Usually with big lambs if the head is finally out the rest of the lamb follows with ease. I got right in helping her and discovered that the problem was the lambs chest. It was to large to deliver straight. So working carefully I turned the lamb at an angle and worked one shoulder through at a time.
Mom stop with the cleaning, I'm trying to walk here. |
DAW-A-DAW! Lamb is delivered and alive. #1 has delivered after some work a 15 pound ram lamb.
I know, I know you are saying,"Wait a minute Shepherd, # 8 just had a 15 pounder a couple days ago. How does that make # 1 the # 1 ewe?"
Mom look what you did to my hair, how embarrassing |
Simple, it says it right on her back. See right there in orange wool safe, animal safe paint.
# 1 and her 2013 Spring ram lamb |