When the rest of the country is trying to remember to change their clocks either a head an hour or back a hour and pondering the meaning of the act ( OK, maybe no one is pondering except me. Just go with it, writers creativity rights),
Here on the Farm,
Day Light Savings means - you found away to get your work done before it got dark.
Fall back means - the damn thing wouldn't stay where you put it.
Spring forward - that's what you do to catch the lamb.
Cows have to be milked every 12 hours and they don't wear watches. Crops still have to be harvested and harvesters have headlights. Chores have to be done dark or not. Farm kids are driving tractors by the age of 8, they can operate a flash lights too.
Do what to the clock? Oh no, another chore.
Just to clarify all the boys are over the age of 8 but they do know how to operate a flash light. We don't have cows or a harvester......just a little more writers creativity rights. But the sheep don't care about Day Light Savings either.
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