Wednesday, January 29, 2014

When The Sun Comes Out .... So does A Little Fun!

Saturday was a bright sunny day, unlike today how fast the weather changes around here. When I arrived that day to feed the Rams and Wethers, the sunshine was causing them to feel their oats. Apparently I disturbed a game of king-of-the-hill that had been taking place on top of the flatbed trailer.

This guy took the opportunity of me showing up to declare himself winner since he was not afraid to stay on top of the trailer while everyone else scrambled off upon the sight of my presents.

Our little Ram Lamb walked over to greet me as he so often does. I usually talk to him but not much else just because I don't want him to get to friendly. A tamed down, friendly Ram can be dangerous. When they go into rut and are no longer scared of you they are more apt to charge or butt you to protect what they feel is theirs.

He is not very big yet but, someday he will weigh in close to 300 pounds. As you can see those horns are getting very thick and large. By the time he reaches two years old he should have a full curl and a half on them.

I have seen a ram of that age shear off a 4 inch wooden fence post with one blow. I don't want to find out if it only takes one blow for my legs. You want the rams to be calm and manageable but not pet friendly. Learning little things like not to rub their foreheads helps keep everyone on good terms with each other and safe. This is a sign they use to challenge each other to a fight. They put their heads together and slightly press or rub foreheads then back up, putting weight on their hindquarters for more power and butt or ram heads together. So we will just stay on speaking terms for now.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Getting Stitched on the Farm: Sage Country Sheep Film Kickstarter Project

The post I am sharing with you is from a great Blogger, Kristin Nicholas. She has made us aware of a project featuring Sheep Ranching. A life style that is slowly fading from this great country of ours. A life style that needs to be shown to the future generations so they may have the chance to see and come to love the strength and determination of the Sheep People and the community that it takes to live such a life. Please check it out. Getting Stitched on the Farm: Sage Country Sheep Film Kickstarter Project 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Lambs & Pigs for sale ..... Know where your Food comes from.

LAMBS - We will have butcher ready lambs available for Easter if interested ( these are whole spit or Bar-B-Q size). 

FEEDER LAMBS - For those looking for fair projects or 
those that want to raise your own lamb, we have Dorset/North Country Cheviot lambs that will be ready any time after the 1st of April.

PIGS - If any one is looking to restock your freezer my son still has pigs that are ready to go to the butcher. Message me if you are interested. 

FEEDER PIGS - For those of you looking for Feeder pigs to raise your own or for fair projects he'll have them too, they'll be available around March. 

For those of you interested animal location are Lambs Oregon Coast & Pigs Eastern Oregon, please message me if you want more information or are interested in purchasing.